windows keyboard shortcut make new folder

What keyboard shortcuts are supported by Box? : Box Customer.
175 useful Keyboard Shortcuts for Outlook 2010. - ShortcutWorld.
Is there a Create New Folder in current project keyboard shortcut for.
Apr 25, 2013. How to Create a New Folder using Shortcut Keys Windows Keyboard how to make new folder Shortcut Keys(2013).
Jan 4, 2011. This differs from the Windows key+D shortcut in that the Aero Peek. Ctrl+Shift+N creates a new folder. Make your old iPhone run like new.
Jan 10, 2008. Luckily OS X makes it wildly simple to add new shortcuts for any action. Windows users can still turn any action into a keyboard shortcut (specifically, check. applications folder), using the shortcut cmd-E, which is currently.
Open the folder or directory that contains the program you wish to create a shortcut for. Right-click on the program and click Create Shortcut. This will create a.
You can quickly perform tasks by using keyboard shortcuts — one or more keys that you. Keyboard shortcut descriptions refer to the U.S. keyboard layout.
Jan 31, 2012. Creating a new folder in Windows explorer is something we all need to do on a frequent basis. And until now, there was no default shortcut key.
How to Create Keyboard Shortcuts for Programs in Windows XP.
windows keyboard shortcut make new folder
Adobe Flash Professional * Keyboard shortcuts.Keyboard shortcuts in - Microsoft Windows.
128 useful Keyboard Shortcuts for Windows 7. - ShortcutWorld.
Askville Question: Is there a way to create a keyboard shortcut in Windows Explorer for "Create New Folder"? : Software.