mla citing of a short story in a book

How do I cite a short story from a literature text book? - Yahoo.
MLA works cited page - UW–Madison Writing Center - University of.
MLA: In-Text Citations. Book-Specific Resources / Documenting Sources / .. For an essay, short story, or other piece of prose reprinted in an anthology, use.
Book citations contain some or all of the following elements, which are usually ... to kind (e.g., use quotation marks for short story titles, underline book titles, etc.).
May 2, 2012. With that in mind, you can use MLA guidelines to format a citation that will accomplish. "The Lottery" and Other Stories (a book of short stories).
Sep 2, 2012. I just typed my paper and I have to do the works cited for it. I had to use quotes from a short story from inside my english book. I have never had to.. Tis one is MLA, thank you going to check it out! Braveskid1025 is offline.

Citing Book Content - MLA Documentation Style - LibGuides at.
MLA 7th ed. Citation Examples - Honolulu Community College.
Last name, First name. "Title of Short Story." Title of Collection. Ed. Editor's Name( s). City of Publication: Publisher, Year. Page range of entry. Medium.
The Modern Language Association (MLA) Style is widely used for identifying research .. Cite a book by corporate author when a group -- such as an organization. When citing an essay, short story, or other work that is contained in an.
mla citing of a short story in a book
mla citing of a short story in a book
Citing a quote from a book MLA style? - Yahoo! Answers.