are small insects herbivores

are small insects herbivores
The impact of herbivore–plant coevolution on plant community.Detection of Insect Herbivores. of wood, and cell walls that become “lignified” are highly impermeable to pathogens and difficult for small insects to chew. Cutin.
Oct 21, 2002. Plant defences against insect herbivores can be divided into 'static' or ... system having positive feedback, amplifying a small initial signal.
Feb 10, 2004. Additionally, a countermeasure against damaging insect herbivores that .. a small dish and added to the chamber with the receiver corn plant.
Mar 14, 2008. Coastal insect herbivore communities are affected more by local. in the same community even over relatively small changes in species range.
Dec 8, 2006. The herbivorous insects associated with 18 co-occurring plant species. However, the smaller chewers can also feed selectively within a leaf.
Feb 12, 2013. When Herbivores Eat Predators: Predatory Insects Effectively Avoid. the life history and populations of small arthropods in various ways [1].
An Overview of Plant Defenses against Pathogens and Herbivores.
are small insects herbivores
PLOS ONE: Plant Volatiles Induced by Herbivore Egg Deposition.When Herbivores Eat Predators: Predatory Insects Effectively Avoid.
Airborne signals prime plants against insect herbivore attack.
Detection of Insect Herbivores. of wood, and cell walls that become “lignified” are highly impermeable to pathogens and difficult for small insects to chew. Cutin.
Oct 21, 2002. Plant defences against insect herbivores can be divided into 'static' or ... system having positive feedback, amplifying a small initial signal.
Feb 10, 2004. Additionally, a countermeasure against damaging insect herbivores that .. a small dish and added to the chamber with the receiver corn plant.
Mar 14, 2008. Coastal insect herbivore communities are affected more by local. in the same community even over relatively small changes in species range.
Plant Interactions with Arthropod Herbivores: State of the Field.
Plant resistance towards insect herbivores: a dynamic interaction.